Thursday, 16 February 2012


Good keen men
15 feb  I left Invercargill heading first for Winton then Dipton and if nothing suitable accomodation wise turned up Lumsden at 80kms was the final choice.  I was a little worried as a fellow cyclists didn't think there was a campsite at Lumsden.  I got even more concerned when signs pointing to a site were faded.  I asked a local and was relieved that it was just out of towb.  Honesty box for campsites as in Bluff.but I wanted a cabin so I had to ring the numbe.  Turns she is from PNG and her husband is currently in Morrocco where he often goes to work. Kind of unexpected in a tiny little conservative town like Lumsden.   It is a lovely little campground and I thought it was going to be great when a couple of good keen fisher blokes decided to take the other cabin which is inches from my front door. Clearly a test of my humility.  And I failed , again.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Graham. Enjoying reading your blog and spelin and grandma errors (but that's only to be expected!) Good luck with the rest of the journey and looking forward to keeping up-to-date with your big adventure. Good luck. John J
