Another question I am asked is "Why are you going uphill ?" - thats what it looks like on a globe as we traditionally know it. There are a number of practical reasons why I'm going in this direction. Food, transport, prevailing wind direction (I hope). But there also a spiritual reason.
In 2001 Kay flew to Europe to walk the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage across northern Spain - 800km, 5 weeks. In 2003 the two of us essentially walked the same route together. The remains of St James - one of the Disciples of Jesus - is reputed to be interred in a silver casket buried beneath the cathedral in Santiago de Compostela in Galicia. For a thousand years pilgrims have been making similar journeys to Santiago for a whole variety of reasons. For a better feel for it, watch the movie "The Way" with Martin Sheen.
There are few places in New Zealand that could command such an interest. Spirit's Rock is the sacred ground at Cape Reinga where Maori believe the human spirit touches before heading off to Hawaiiki, once a person has died.
Although we were there, walking across Spain together, a pilgrimage is essentially a solo effort. The people you are with are part of your pilgrimage through life, but in the end you are born, you live and you die alone.
So my trip is partly holiday, fun, exercise, meeting new people, sightseeing, a break from the rigours of the classroom and administration. It is also being at that point of departure for Maori at Cape Reinga. It is a time of self-reflection and perhaps a re-discovery of who I am and why I am here.
So it is uphill. Some of it will be hard. When I have been back for a while I will be able to answer the next question - "Was it worth it ?". But thats another story.
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